Aqua Carpatica
Flat water for children - Aqua Carpatica - 250ml
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Check out our packaging processAQUA Carpathia flat natural mineral is an oligomineral water, with a low mineral content, recommended in the daily diet of children. All its components are in perfect balance and it is a water recommended by the Romanian Society of Pediatrics for consumption intended for children, having a low sodium content and the lowest level of nitrates among all still waters in Romania. Also, AQUA Carpathia is a natural mineral water, unprocessed or artificially purified, naturally alkaline and which can be used with confidence for optimal hydration of the little ones.
If for adults water is an essential element in the correct and healthy functioning of the body, for children it is even more important as they grow and all cells need a lot of water to ensure both the energy they need and harmonious development.
In addition, hydration is also responsible for the proper functioning of the brain and the period in which a child can concentrate effectively at school or when learning new things, so it is important to always have a bottle of water on hand to remind him to hydrate. The water must be natural and of very high quality.
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