Sweet cherry jam without sugar - DeGust - 200g
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Check out our packaging processIn the old days it was said that wealth can be measured in bags of peppercorns. Time passed beyond customs and then, the really rich people invested their fortunes in properties either in metals or precious stones. Now we all hear about BITCOIN. But what should be the connection between matter, material and taste? Immediate! At the beginning of June, whoever has pictures of cherries in digital media is considered rich due to the rarity with which they appear in the markets and on our tables. From day to day, we all afford them. We know the place in Romania with the best cherries, we go when we have to pick them and turn them into the tastiest jam you've ever tasted. No, we didn't think of listing the jars on the Stock Exchange, but just filling them with lots of fruit, natural apple syrup obtained by gentle evaporation for sweetening, apple powder for robustness and a few drops of lemon juice. Give yourself a priceless gift and buy a few jars of cherry jam. Order it here for the most interesting recipes or unexpected diets.
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