Dr. Oetker
Vanilla sugar - Dr. Oetker - 8g
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Check out our packaging processDr. Oetker's vanillin sugar has been tested since 1894. For over 100 years, with an identically strong natural flavor, it has been flavoring any pastry, sweets, desserts and drinks. The content of one envelope is enough for 500 g of flour or for a dessert of 0.5-1 l of milk. Product description:
- Identically strong natural flavor.
- Mixture of ethylvanillin and sugar.
- Tested since 1894.
- When flavoring pastries, sweets, desserts and drinks.
- The contents of one envelope are enough for 500 g of flour or for a dessert of 0.5 l - 1 l of milk.
- There are cookie recipes on the back of the packaging.
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