"Hi, mom! what are you doing are you ok Look, I wanted to ask you to give me the recipe for the cocoa puff cake. Yes, the one I liked the most when I was a child. Wait a minute, let me get my notebook to write it down."
Sound familiar? Almost all of us have had this conversation with our mothers at some point. The fluffy cake recipe is a classic that never goes out of style. And the good part is that you don't have to be a master chef to succeed. With just a few simple ingredients and a little patience, you wake up with a fluffy and fragrant cake with cocoa spirals that look like they were made by a skilled pastry chef.
But the truth is, it's not just about taste. A fluffy check has the gift of making the house smell "homey". And that, sometimes, is all you need.
So, let's see how to make this delicious cake, to fill the kitchen with the smell of vanilla and cocoa.
Required ingredients
Below you will find the complete list of ingredients for the cake, sufficient for two not very large trays. The equal amount of sugar and flour ensures the fluffy and airy texture of the cake, stabilizes the egg white foam, retains moisture, contributes to the formation of the browned crust, and provides a perfectly balanced taste.
- 5 eggs
- 250g sugar
- 100ml oil
- 250 g flour
- 2 tablespoons cocoa
- 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
- 1 pinch baking powder
- 1 pinch of salt
You need few ingredients for the cake, but the nice part is that you can customize the recipe to your taste. Add raisins, pom poms or candied fruit for extra flavor and color.
Step by step instructions for preparation
The first step when making a cake is to separate the eggs – the whites in a larger bowl, the yolks in a smaller one.
Prepare the egg white foam
With the help of the mixer, beat the egg whites together with a pinch of salt until they turn into a light foam. When it starts to thicken, gradually add the amount of sugar and the flavors - the traditional fluffy cake recipe mentions vanilla sugar, but you can just as well use vanilla essence or scrape a vanilla pod. Continue mixing until you obtain a stiff and glossy foam that does not fall off the whisk.
Prepare the yolk composition
The next step in the fluffy cake recipe is preparing the yolk mixture. Pour oil over them little by little, like for mayonnaise, until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous mixture. Add it over the egg white foam and, with a wooden spatula, mix gently with wide movements from bottom to top, so as not to let the air out of the egg whites. Perfecting this technique may require a few attempts, but honestly, who would complain about more fluffy cakes? After all, they are prepared very quickly, unlike the recipe for fluffy cozonac, which really tests our patience.
Add the dry ingredients
Now is the time to incorporate the flour. Mix it beforehand with the baking powder and gradually add it to the composition - spoon by spoon. Still use the spatula and keep the same gentle, bottom-up motions to keep the air trapped in the dough.
Share the composition
When everything is well incorporated, divide the fluffy cake composition into two equal parts. In one of them add cocoa, but not like that, simple. Mix it first with 2-3 tablespoons of warm water until you get a fine paste. Pour it over half of the composition and mix gently.
If you want, you can now add the raisins pre-soaked in warm water with rum essence and rolled in flour or the pieces of shit given in the same way through flour and shaken well, so that they are distributed evenly in the dough.
From here, it's just one step to that delicious cookie smell that fills your whole house.
Creates a marbled effect
In a cake pan lined with baking paper (or in a special paper form, if you have it at hand), start placing the compositions, alternating the colors. With a spoon, put a portion of the white mixture, then, on top of it, a portion of the cocoa mixture. Repeat the process, layer by layer, until you finish both compositions. This is the magical moment when the marbled pattern takes shape, the one that makes the check not only tasty, but also beautiful.
Put the cake in the oven.
The fluffy check recipe is coming to an end. The oven must already be heated to 180°C. Insert the tray and bake the cake for 30-40 minutes, until nicely browned and passes the toothpick test.
Tips and tricks for a successful check

For a fluffy chocolate cake, melt the chocolate (white or dark) in a bain-marie and pour it over the cooled cake. You can add almond flakes, chopped nuts, or decorative candies. This way, it will perfectly complement the traditional Christmas table!
Here are some other tips for a delicious cake recipe:
- use room temperature ingredients for a fluffier texture;
- mix gently from the bottom up when you incorporate the flour, so as not to remove the air;
- roll the raisins/shit in flour so they don't fall to the bottom;
- do not open the oven in the first 20 minutes, otherwise the check may sag;
- after baking, let the cake cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes, then remove to a wire rack to prevent condensation that can soften it.
Service and safekeeping of the cheque
The cake is served plain, sliced, or decorated with chocolate glaze, powdered sugar, fresh fruits, or vanilla or berry sauces. To keep it fresh, wrap it in plastic wrap or store it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3-4 days. For longer storage, freeze it sliced.
Now that you know the recipe for a fluffy cake, all you have to do is gather the ingredients. You can find them all a click away, directly in our store!
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